Cover Crop Strategies

Whether it’s cover crops for trees and vines or a crop rotation, we can recommend and source the right seed.

A tool with endless benefits.

Cover crops are crop plants used to protect or enrich the soil in a variety of ways. These crops are typically planted in fall, grown through winter, and tilled into the soil prior to planting in the spring. No one cover crop provides all of the benefits mentioned below, but a combination or rotation of select crops can slowly nurture all of these benefits. Our team can help you design and source the seed for a cover crop program based on your goals or the needs of the soil.

The potential benefits of a cover crop program include:
  • Reduced soil erosion
  • Reduced pest pressure
  • Weed suppression
  • Increased soil fertility
  • Increased water retention
  • Increased soil organic matter
  • Increased crop diversity
WSU Biofumigation with Cover Crops OSU Estimating Nitrogen Release from Cover Crops

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